Purple Flag Accreditation: Parramatta’s Night-life

Parramatta has achieved Purple Flag accreditation which means that our city’s CBD meets international standards of excellence in vibrancy, diversity and safety at night. Discover what Parramatta’s nightlife has on offer.

Purple Flag is a program that recognizes night time hubs that are safe, well-managed, and diverse, promoting a vibrant after-dark experience for all.

Purple Flag is an international scheme that has been successfully rolled out in the United Kingdom, Europe and New Zealand. There are currently 45 locations in the UK that have achieved Purple Flag status.

The accreditation program assessed Parramatta’s CBD against a set of criteria, including access to public transport, adequate street lighting and entertainment offerings.

Parramatta has achieved Purple Flag accreditation which means that our city’s CBD meets international standards of excellence in vibrancy, diversity and safety at night. 

Experience Parramatta CBD After Dark

The vibrant Parramatta Square, right next to the train station and Centenary Square, offers up a space to meet, trade, shop, learn, dine, celebrate and connect.

Savour long lunches and linger over delicious dinners at Parramatta's foodie destination. Discover the best cuisines of the world, all in one street.

Riverside Theatres are the performance art hub of Parramatta. Spend a night at the theatre and enjoy a wide selection of live musicals and shows. 

CommBank Stadium brings fans closer to the action in Parramatta and we’ve got you sorted for all your pre-post game drinks needs. 

Live Music, Events & Festivals in Parramatta

Live Music, Events & Festivals in Parramatta

The City’s engaging calendar of events, festivals and activations means there are always new experiences to discover. Parramatta Lanes, the City of Parramatta Council’s award-winning annual eats, beats, and art festival, offers workers after-work adventures all around the city’s laneways, restaurants & bars, and public spaces.

Our event program reflects our multi-cultural community, from Warami, a festival celebrating First Nations people, to Diwali/Deepavali, the Festival of Light, as well as Lunar New Year, Pride, and so much more.

Find out What’s On in Parramatta.