Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions of use apply to use of this website. By using this website, you agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions of use.


  • The information contained in this website is provided as a general guide only.  Whilst care is taken to ensure accuracy at the date of publication, City of Parramatta Council cannot guarantee that the information is correct and recommends that users conduct their own research and enquiries. 
  • The listing of a person or organisation in this directory in no way implies any form of endorsement or rise to any legally binding obligations by City of Parramatta Council of the products or services provided by that person or organisation.  
  • This website contains links to other websites operated by organisations other than City of Parramatta. The other websites are outside of City of Parramatta’s control and links are provided for your convenience. Where AT Parramatta offers links to other sites, City of Parramatta is not affiliated with those sites and has no control over, and is not responsible for, their content, privacy practices or other policies.
  • Any architectural renderings, animations or maps on the Invest Parramatta website are intended as a guide only. Developments portrayed may differ from the final designs that are subsequently approved and constructed. All development within City of Parramatta is subject to regulatory approvals, from all relevant authorities.
  • All architectural renderings, animations, maps or any other form of content may not be repurposed or modified, copied or provided to a third party without the prior written consent of the relevant authority at City of Parramatta Council.

Publishing Guidelines

Whilst AT Parramatta aims to accurately represent Parramatta, in accordance with its guiding principles as a perception changing platform, it is not primarily a comprehensive listing of every business, service, event and location in the Parramatta LGA.

All businesses featured in an article or blog on AT Parramatta are rigorously checked against the following criteria determine their suitability for publication on AT Parramatta. 

  • Contribute to a positively changed public perception of Parramatta as a place to live, work, study, invest and play.
  • Highlight the uniqueness of Parramatta
  • Inspire people to visit and explore the city and LGA by engaging users from a diverse range of backgrounds.
  • Drive community pride and demonstrate Parramatta’s offering within greater Sydney.
  • Be specific to the Parramatta LGA (or within reasonable distance).
  • Be more suited to sit on AT Parramatta over the City of Parramatta Council website.
  • Represent the community accurately and fairly, both within the context of other stories on the site and when potentially seen out of context (i.e. when shared on social media).
  • Be apolitical and free from both explicit or implicit political interests or overt political risks.
  • Be unlikely to provoke, disrupt, attack or offend members/segments of the community.
  • Not promote activities which could endanger the safety or wellbeing of community members
  • Appear to be original and lawful (includes no breaches of copyright or defamation). 
  • Be fact checked by an appropriate or relevant subject matter expert on the City of Parramatta’s staff

City of Parramatta has a number of ways to be involved, visit our Promotional Opportunities for Businesses page to sign up today.

Intellectual Property Rights (including Copyright)

All intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyright) in the material which appears on this website (including, but not limited to, graphics, logos, icons, sound recordings, information content and software) (Material) is owned by or licensed to City of Parramatta Council.

You are welcome to use and/or reproduce the information content of the Material (but not the graphics, logos, icons, sound recordings and/or software) which appear on this website for your personal, in-house or non-commercial use:

  • without the prior written approval of City of Parramatta Council.
  • unless otherwise required, for no fee.

If you wish to use and/or reproduce, alter, store or transmit all or any Material for a purpose other than personal, in-house or non-commercial use, you must obtain the prior written approval of City of Parramatta Council before you do so. City of Parramatta Council reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse giving such approval or to impose conditions (including, but not limited to, a fee) before providing any such written approval.

Community and Event Information

When you submit any content (including written text, graphics, art work, photographs, videos, designs, logos, business names or trademarks) (Community Information) to City of Parramatta Council for inclusion on this website, you:

  • grant City of Parramatta Council a non-exclusive, world-wide, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free licence to use, reproduce and communicate to the public the Community Information on this website.
  • consent to City of Parramatta Council using, reproducing, communicating to the public, exhibiting or distributing the Community Information (in full or in part) on any platform with a similar purpose to the website.
  • warrant that you have the right to grant City of Parramatta Council the licence in this paragraph.
  • warrant that the use, reproduction or communication to the public of the Community Information will not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any person.
  • consent to City of Parramatta Council amending, editing, modifying or reformatting the Community Information in any way to suit City of Parramatta Council’s requirements.
  • must only submit Community Information which is owned or belongs to you or for which you have authorisation to submit from the owner of that content and, in any event that you are authorised to submit by the operator of the event (if you are not yourself the operator).

To the extent permissible by law, you consent or you must procure consent from any other author involved in the creation of the Community Information, to:

  • all acts and omissions by City of Parramatta Council which would otherwise infringe the author's moral or similar rights and to not assert any such moral or other rights in the Community Information.
  • the alteration of the Community Information in any manner authorised by City of Parramatta Council.
  • the failure to attribute the author.
  • the use of the Community Information in advertising in any medium.

Changes to submitted Community Information

If City of Parramatta Council makes substantial revisions to submitted Community Information prior to publication of it, City of Parramatta Council may provide you with a copy of the revised version (Revised Material) for your review.

You may request that City of Parramatta Council amends the Revised Material and, if so, City of Parramatta Council may endeavour to comply with any reasonable request it receives from you.

Notwithstanding the above, you acknowledge that City of Parramatta Council does not warrant that the Revised Material will be amended in accordance with requests that it receives from you.

Publication of the Community Information

You acknowledge that City of Parramatta Council is under no obligation to list the Community Information on the website and may, in its sole discretion, remove the Community Information from the website at any time.

Opting out of publication

If you wish to have the Community Information that you submitted (not including user feedback) removed from the website, please contact City of Parramatta Council. City of Parramatta Council may comply with that request if it sees fit.

User Generated Content

In addition to the Community Information, this website may contain content that is posted by you and by other website users. That user generated content may include text, information, commentary, feedback, images, photographs, videos and other content (User Generated Content).

If you submit User Generated Content to this website you:

  • grant City of Parramatta Council a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty free and non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce, publish, communicate, host and distribute on any platform the User Generated Content.
  • consent to City of Parramatta Council adapting, modifying, editing or altering the User Generated Content in any way.
  • acknowledge that it may be seen and used by others under the licence described in these terms.
  • consent to City of Parramatta Council using, reproducing, communicating, exhibiting or distributing the User Generated Content (in full or in part) on any platform with a similar purpose and function to this website.
  • must only submit User Generated Content which is owned or belongs to you or for which you have authorisation to submit from the owner of that content.

You must not disclose the personal information of another person without their express permission and you must not contribute content that may violate the privacy, property or other rights of other people or organisations.

You must not contribute (and we may remove in our sole discretion) any User Generated Content that is in our opinion fraudulent, abusive, illegal, obscene, indecent, defamatory, incites racial or ethnic hatred or violates the rights of others or is in any other way objectionable.

You acknowledge and agree that City of Parramatta Council may, as it sees fit:

  • publish the user feedback, including comments of either a positive or negative nature; or
  • remove the user feedback including comments of a negative or disparaging nature.

You confirm and warrant to City of Parramatta Council that you have all rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above licence.

Linked Websites

This website may contain links to other websites (Linked Websites). These links are provided for your convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained.

The links between this website and the Linked Websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by City of Parramatta Council of:

  • the Linked Websites.
  • any information, content, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on the Linked Websites.
  • the owners or operators of the Linked Websites.

You acknowledge that City of Parramatta Council is not responsible for the manner in which the compliance with laws relating to privacy are dealt with by the Linked Websites.

City of Parramatta Council cannot and does not grant any permission or licence to use and/or reproduce any material appearing on the Linked Websites or intellectual property rights in such material.

City of Parramatta Council strongly recommends that you refer to the terms of use appearing on the Linked Websites before using them and/or before making use of any materials that may appear on the Linked Websites.

Amendment of these Terms and Conditions of Use

At any time and without notice City of Parramatta Council may update, amend or remove all or any part of this website (including, but not limited to, the Material on this website, the content of this website and / or these terms and conditions of use).

Information Security

The World Wide Web exists across open public networks that are neither secure nor private. You acknowledge and accept the risk that any communication to or from this website may be intercepted, used or modified by third parties.

Access Termination or Denial

At any time and without notice City of Parramatta Council reserves the right to suspend, limit, deny or terminate access to, or use of, all or part of this website and services available through this website, if there is an emergency or you engage in conduct that City of Parramatta Council (in its absolute discretion) considers:

  • a contravention of these terms and conditions of use.
  • violates any rights or entitlements of City of Parramatta Council or any third party.
  • to be inappropriate.
  • to be an illegal activity.