
When you access and use this website, you may be required to provide City of Parramatta Council with information which identifies you or which enables you to be identified (including, but not limited to, your name and address) (Personal Information).  City of Parramatta Council will collect, store, access, use and disclose your Personal Information in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 , and under the City of Parramatta Council’s Privacy Management Plan.

Unless you give City of Parramatta Council a written notice objecting to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your Personal Information, City of Parramatta Council may use your Personal Information:

  • to contact you about or provide you with the services of City of Parramatta Council, tracking the services (including, but not limited to, the status of such services) of City of Parramatta Council provided to you from time to time.
  • record any amounts due to or from you in respect of the services provided by City of Parramatta Council.
  • to enable you to use the functionality of this website.
  • to consider any application received from you.
  • to comply obligations imposed on City of Parramatta Council's under all laws relating to the operations and statutory functions of City of Parramatta Council (including, but not limited to, laws relating to privacy or information disclosure).
  • in combination with other data for analysis.
  • to the extent necessary for its operations and performance of statutory functions and this includes disclosure to City of Parramatta Council staff, Councillors or members of the public, unless access is restricted under laws relating to information disclosure, Council policies relating to information disclosure (including, but not limited to, City of Parramatta Council's Access to Information Policy and Privacy Management Plan).

If you give City of Parramatta Council a written notice objecting to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your Personal Information in a particular manner or at all, City of Parramatta Council will adopt reasonable measures to observe your request but may still use or disclose that information if:

  • it subsequently notifies you of the intended use or disclosure and you do not object to that use or disclosure.
  • it believes that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of their functions.
  • it is required by laws relating to information disclosure.

City of Parramatta Council reserves the right to reproduce in whole or in part any correspondence or submission (including, but not limited to, any Personal Information contained in any such correspondence or submission). In your correspondence to City of Parramatta Council the inclusion of your contact details is voluntary, but choosing to omit this information may limit City of Parramatta Council's ability to assist you or respond to you.

The Personal Information can be accessed by you and may also be available to third parties in accordance with City of Parramatta Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Management Plan.  You may make an application for access or amendment to Personal Information held by City of Parramatta Council. City of Parramatta Council will consider any such application in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act.

City of Parramatta Council is the agency that holds the Personal Information. City of Parramatta Council may be contacted on 9806 5050 or at 9 Wentworth Street, Parramatta NSW 2150.

Payment Security

City of Parramatta Council has contracted the services of SecurePay for electronic trading in a secure environment. You acknowledge that all payments that you process through the SecurePay system are subject to the terms and conditions of SecurePay Limited (which are to be found at ). All financial details which you provide for the purposes of making a payment to City of Parramatta Council are hosted within the SecurePay system and are not within the power or control of City of Parramatta Council.

You will ensure that all of the information you provide to SecurePay in relation to a payment due to City of Parramatta Council is complete and correct (including, but not limited to,credit card details and validity dates, and that the credit card is not listed on any warning bulletin held by any bank or credit card provider). You agree that you will comply with any requirement of your credit card provider which may relate to the use of this online service, including without limitation, not exceeding any transaction limit on your credit card. You consent to:

  • SecurePay making disclosures of your Personal Information to City of Parramatta Council.
  • City of Parramatta Council making disclosures of your Personal Information to SecurePay; and the retention and storage by City of Parramatta Council of any of your Personal Information received from SecurePay.
  • the extent reasonably required in order for SecurePay and/or City of Parramatta Council to process, track, confirm, validate and/or respond to any query arising in relation to any payment due from, or made by, you.

You agree that City of Parramatta Council has no obligation to provide products or services to you:

  • until your credit card provider has authorised the transaction. 
  • where City of Parramatta Council has any reason to suspect that you are not authorised to use the credit card details you have provided.


If any of these terms and conditions of use is invalid or unenforceable, it will be severed from the remaining terms and conditions of use and they will remain in full force and effect.


If City of Parramatta Council does not act in relation to any breach of these terms and conditions of use by you, this does not operate as a waiver by City of Parramatta Council in respect of any rights or entitlements it may have in respect of such breach.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws in force in the State of New South Wales, Australia.