Lennox Bridge and River Foreshore

Unleash the fun as Lennox Bridge and Riverside Foreshore will become a pooch playground featuring a silent cinema, doggie agility course, and doggie photo-zone sets. Bring your own Pups! 

Lennox Bridge & River Foreshore

Unleash the fun as Lennox Bridge and Riverside Foreshore will become a pooch playground featuring a silent cinema, doggie agility course, and doggie themed Instagram sets. Bring your own Pups! 


Lennox Bridge, 340-330 Church St, Parramatta. Go to Google Maps


Thicc Cookies, Sutherland Shire Raw, James & the Chocolate Berry, OMG Donuts


Silent cinema, K9 Fun Dog Agility Course, Pap Your Pooch! (doggie photo opportunities)

Bring your pup for this fun night out!


Take in the views from Lennox Bridge of the colourful lighting along the River foreshore.