Talented employment sector
Parramatta has a talented employment sector, with a residency makeup that is inclusive, diverse and at the centre of global Sydney.
Parramatta’s workforce is educated, professional and diverse
Parramatta's residency makeup is inclusive and diverse. It’s a cultural melting pot that fuses global skill and experience equipping businesses and employers in Parramatta to compete on a global stage backed by professionals who speak the language of international business.
A younger, more populated and professional community
By 2041, Parramatta’s current population of 279,000 is expected to grow to 487,000.
Parramatta’s job profile is becoming increasingly more professional with 60% of its population now working in professional, administrative or management roles.
As the population grows, Parramatta’s diverse workforce will become younger, more professional and corporate. Increasingly, more young families and young urban professionals are calling Parramatta home.

Connecting education and industry
Parramatta is experiencing a shift towards a modernised and integrated core of educational precincts in the heart of the City.
Leading this is the educational hub at 1 Parramatta Square, which creates opportunities for collaboration and industry-focused research between Western Sydney University students, PwC and Sydney Water.
The planning of future education and training precincts is set to follow this model of collaboration between industry and academia with hubs being incubated within the CBD, Rydalmere and Westmead.
One such hub in the Parramatta CBD is the $280 million world-class 19-storey engineering innovation hub joint venture between Western Sydney University and the University of NSW, scheduled to open this year.

People need more than just a great workplace culture to thrive
Productivity and profits are well on track when the right people are engaged. But people need more than just a great workplace culture to thrive, they need a vibrant place outside work where they can shop, dine and be entertained.
The City has more than 300 restaurants, cafes and bars alongside a flourishing night-time economy and retail environment where more than $1.2 million in retail turnover occurs every day.
Careful city planning is giving rise to activated outdoor spaces where workers, residents, students and visitors can enjoy a range of activities and environments after hours.

1 million square metres of office space
Over the next four years, Parramatta will become a 1-million square metre CBD with a variety of spaces and office types. At an average $520 per square metre, office space in Parramatta is almost half the cost in the Sydney CBD where it costs $1030 per square metre.
It's a compelling narrative for executives to consider expanding in or relocating to Parramatta.