Coleman Grieg Lawyers

The legal services sector is thriving in Parramatta, with the highest concentration of legal courts and jobs outside Sydney’s CBD.

Legal services move from strength to strength

Case study: Coleman Grieg Lawyers

The legal services sector is thriving in Parramatta, with the highest concentration of legal courts and jobs outside Sydney’s CBD. At the heart of this activity is the Parramatta Justice Precinct, home to five courts that provide essential judicial and administrative functions across NSW.

Legal firms are now flocking to the area. This is no surprise to Warrick McLean, Chief Executive Officer of Coleman Greig Lawyers, whose firm has been proudly based in the region for well over 90 years and grown to become Sydney’s largest commercial law firm in Greater Sydney.

“We’ve grown up with Western Sydney; like the City, we’ve changed and evolved from a traditional firm,” he says, noting a healthy and growing profession in Parramatta is a good thing for local businesses and the wider community. “I think our growth has aligned with Parramatta and the region. We have seen the opportunity, and know from experience that if you give to the region, the region will give back to you.”

Committed to local business success

Warrick has seen Parramatta’s economy evolve and grow – and this is reflected in the firm’s changing client base. “Traditionally, we’ve always looked after local family businesses, and these have grown quite dramatically. We also look after multinational subsidiaries, and we’ve seen a significant increase in that type of work,” he says.

He says clients appreciate the convenience of a Parramatta-based office – and also that their lawyer can visit them onsite. “The feedback we get is, everyone’s so approachable here. I think to be successful in the region, you’ve got to be relatable,” he says.

Living and working locally

Coleman Greig has a strong commitment to “live local, train local, work local.” More than half of Coleman Greig’s lawyers are Western Sydney University graduates, and the firm has run a Western Sydney University cadetship program for over 20 years.

Another positive for Coleman Grieg is the diversity of talent that comes with its location. With 76 per cent of Coleman Greig employees currently residing in Greater Western Sydney, “The cultural diversity is fantastic, and it is automatic. We don’t have to think about it. It’s just part of the talent pool,” Warrick says.

A region of opportunity

A country boy at heart, Warrick admits the thing he loves most about working in Parramatta is the sense of community. “Parramatta is big enough that it’s a city, but you still can walk down the street and say hello to people,” he says.

Warrick sees the growing presence of larger law and professional service firms in Parramatta as a justification for what his firm has known for the last 30 years: “There’s always been potential here, and now it’s Parramatta’s time to shine.”

In a show of confidence in the region, Coleman Greig lawyers have relocated their Parramatta headquarters to 32 Smith Street Tower. The new building has achieved a 6 Star Green Design and is located in the heart of Parramatta’s CBD.