5 tips for making the most of campus life

Make the most of campus life in Parramatta by following our five top tips.

5 mins read

With restrictions easing, most institutions and colleges are now encouraging students to return to campus and enjoy the university spirit in person.

If you’re planning on getting involved in your university’s academic and social culture, visiting your campus, and making the most of it is key. Below are five tips to help you enjoy and embrace your life on campus to the fullest.

Get involved in social club activities

Most universities will have a wide selection of clubs that you can join to socialise and meet people with similar shared interests. For example, you’ll be able to freely join a range of societies such as:
•    Sports and fitness clubs (football, ultimate frisbee, badminton, rowing, futsal)
•    Creative clubs (design, origami, music)
•    Wellness club (mental health)
•    Volunteering clubs (recycling, social justice)

Depending on the university or college you attend, there may be more social club options for you to choose from. Different clubs will also have varying types of activities that you can attend and enjoy, from formal ball dinners and premier movie screenings to casual lunches and coastal walks. 

Joining these social clubs is a great opportunity for you to make friends, bond over similar interests, as well as partake in the broader campus spirit. You’ll be able to join in on all types of hosted events and activities and enjoy your offline campus life to the fullest.

Try out the best campus foods

If there’s one thing you can enjoy on campus, it’s the food. Most universities and colleges will have food courts, restaurants, cafes, and all sorts of other dietary amenities that you can try and enjoy between your classes. Whether you’re after a warm cup of coffee in the morning, a filling lunch, or small energy-boosting snacks, there’s sure to be something for you on campus.

Most foods sold on campus are also take-away-friendly, meaning you can purchase a scrumptious meal and enjoy it anywhere you’d like. Lawns, ovals and quads in particular make for the best makeshift picnic spots when enjoying some food on campus.

Contribute to campus student publications

Contributing to student news and magazine publications is a great way to get further involved in your university’s campus life. Not only does it let you learn more about your university’s internal affairs, but it also allows you to have an active voice in your university or college’s external communications.

Although you can contribute to some student publications and magazines via online research, the best articles are those that are based on real life experiences on campus. For example, written pieces about food recommendations at your university are most engaging if they include personal reviews and detailed recounts of eating experiences - and of course, the only way to do this is to try out the foods on campus yourself.

Find your perfect, cosy study spot

It can be boring studying in the same room at home all the time, and the best way to avoid burnout is to settle in a new and cosy study spot, preferably on campus. Part of the fun of going onto the university campus is exploring all the nooks and crannies and finding your perfect study spot. From libraries to lawn benches to empty lecture halls, there are many different places you can visit to study on campus. 

You can use the time you have on campus to find the perfect, snug study spot where you’ll be most productive. Perhaps it’s a spot surrounded by other hardworking students or a place where you can study in peace and alone. No matter what kind of study environment you prefer, you’re sure to find a spot where you’ll feel most comfortable and efficient on your campus.

Embrace learning and attend offline classes

Offline classes are one of the biggest positives when it comes to making the most of campus life. The main point of enrolling and attending university is to learn, and although online learning certainly does have its benefits, offline learning is by far more effective in helping students digest new information. This is because offline learning is naturally more interactive and engaging and encourages a greater level of commitment. Embracing offline learning can also help you with adapting to campus life.

Enjoying campus life to the fullest

You’ve only got a few chances to enjoy campus life so make sure you try your best to make the most of it. Some of the best ways to help you enjoy campus life to the fullest include joining social clubs, trying out all the campus foods and finding the perfect place to study.

For more suggestions on how to make the most of your campus life, check out the AT Parramatta blog.