Industrial Manufacturing

Manufacturing in the City of Parramatta is the second largest sector in the City having generated $7.1 billion of output and employed over 15,000 workers in 2017/18

Two men dressed in smart casual with construction hard hats looking at data on a laptop computer within and industrial setting

Industrial manufacturing 

Manufacturing has long been the backbone of the City of Parramatta’s economy. Large manufacturers such as Coca Cola Amatil benefit from operating in the City because of its convenient, central location and access to road infrastructure.  Manufacturing is the City’s second-largest sector. It was the highest output-generating sector until 2013 when it followed declining state trends.

But that trend is likely to reverse as the Greater Sydney Commission has recognised the City and the Greater Parramatta region as an existing and future manufacturing leader in NSW.

Bakery production line

Food and grocery manufacturing sector

To continue as a manufacturing leader in NSW, the industry is shifting towards advanced manufacturing and grocery production.  The Australian Food and Grocery Council has labelled Parramatta as a food and grocery manufacturing capital. Annually, it:

  • Generates $4.5 billion of output 
  • Employs more than 4900 workers
  • Generates $3.3 billion in regional exports 
  • Exports more than $486 million worth of products internationally 
Image of two men in hard hats within a steel fabrication warehouse illustrating the small industrial manufacturing sector in Parramatta.

Advanced manufacturing hubs In Parramatta

Western Sydney has also been the focal point of NSW government policy in planning for the development of advanced manufacturing hubs throughout the region. 

In the City of Parramatta, existing advanced manufacturing hubs include:

  • Rydalmere
  • Camellia 
  • Silverwater
  • A new hub with an advanced manufacturing research focus is being developed in the Westmead precinct.
State of the art audio technology shipped world wide by Rode Microphones manufactured in Silverwater

Advanced manufacturing research and development

Advanced manufacturing is a key focus in the Westmead precinct. The University of Sydney has proposed a 1000 square metre advanced manufacturing research facility as part of its new Westmead campus. 

The research facility is part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GE Additive. Up to US$1 million annually will be invested in research and development in advanced manufacturing for over 10 years.

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