It's a Riot! Commemmorating the Life & Times of Convict Women of the Parramatta Female Factory

Parramatta Female Factory
5 Fleet Street, North Parramatta NSW 2150
Free Entry - Talk $5 - Tours $10
Ronda Gaffey/Parramatta Female Factory Friends Inc
0414 624 620

It's a Riot! Commemmorating the Life & Times of Convict Women of the Parramatta Female Factory

Parramatta Female Factory
5 Fleet Street, North Parramatta NSW 2150
Free Entry - Talk $5 - Tours $10
Ronda Gaffey/Parramatta Female Factory Friends Inc
0414 624 620

Join us at the National Heritage Listed Parramatta Female Factory & Barracks site, as we commemorate the day 196 years ago when the convict women, hungry and fed up with their appalling living and working conditions, broke out of the Factory gates and onto the streets of Parramatta Town like 'Amazonian Banditti' with the military in pursuit, bayonets at the ready! Join us as we pay homage to these brave & resilient women! 

Highlights of the Commemoration include access to 1818-1821 buildings, displays, the Friends Research Library, the Annual Thomas Keneally Lecture delivered by the Sister Margaret Fitzgerald and Sister Genevieve Walsh whose predecessors, the Sisters of Charity, began working with the convict women and their children in Parramatta in 1839. 
Walk in the women's footsteps, listen to their voices and join us for a very special moment at the Commemorate Wall when a lone piper will play a very moving lament and floral tributes are laid.

Herstory matters in Parramatta!

Parramatta Female Factory
5 Fleet Street, North Parramatta NSW 2150
Free Entry - Talk $5 - Tours $10
Ronda Gaffey/Parramatta Female Factory Friends Inc
0414 624 620